Conversation with Peter Burzyński on His debut Poetry Collection, Infinite Zero
“it was just kind of like…the opposite of what the Baroque did, like making the sacred profane, I want to make the profane sacred.”

Fundraising Campaign Begins
Writ Large is kicking off our fundraising campaign with a silent auction & a Patreon page to support our upcoming bookstore in Braddock, PA & to produce new events in Los Angeles, CA.

309 Books: a New Teen Focused, Teen Run Imprint
We are launching 309 Books, a teens only publishing imprint from Writ Large Projects & The 309 Collective.

wolfX & dipping our toes into audio
DOWNLOAD NOW: my name is wolf (white was always the color of death), a wolf X Black Self Help Moving & Storage collab.

It’s Time for a General Strike In Publishing
The publishing world is too much of a trash fire. It’s long past time for poets (and other writers) to strike.

The LARGE Box #3
The LARGE Box Vol #3 is here. Including the new 2nd Edition of LETTERS TO MY CITY by Mike Sonksen.

wolf X Kate Crash
For wolfX, Chiwan Choi sent out unique EPs from newest book to various artists & writers to remix. “A Boy Named Wolf” is a short film/musical piece created by artist & mythical creature Kate Crash in response.

Book Box Recap
Thank you for supporting our subscription book box launch! Here are details from The Large Box #1.

Poets & Politics in DTLA
Writ Large returns to DTLA this week and is bringing the poets with them for the event Race, Politics & Poetics.

The Large Box
The subscription book box, writ large. A quarterly delivery of indie books — fiction, non-fiction, poetry — music & surprise gifts.

Our Books & Authors
Even as Writ Large ventures into new community minded projects like the bookstore, we can’t forget our books and authors.

Building a New Writ Large
The next (huge) project from Writ Large is a new beginning — a community centered bookstore in Braddock, PA.