Fundraising Campaign Begins

We wanted to share two big developments: one is an event like we’ve never done before & one is the launch of a good way you can continue to support us.

Both things make up the official start of our fundraising campaign for our bookstore in Braddock, PA & our return to literary and cultural shenanigans in Los Angeles, CA.


As we kick off our full fundraising campaign (note: late last year, we reached out to a handful of private donors who generously became our first benefactors), we are combining something we are incredibly great at (producing events) with something we’ve never done before (an art auction).

But we are incredibly excited of what we have managed to put together, with the generosity and support of some of our very favorite artists.

Writ Large, Bid Larger: A Writ Large Silent Auction

Our very first auction (our very first fundraising event?) wil be held in our old stomping grounds of Downtown Los Angeles on Sunday, July 28, 2024 at Ren Gallery.

The artists that have (so far) committed to participating by donating their incredible, we mean incredible, works are:

Nathan Ota, Melora Walters, MariNaomi, Taz Ahmed, J.T. Steiny, Brandon Hunter Harrison, Sergio Teran, Alvaro Marquez, Micheael Hernandez, Chelle Barbour, Kofie (via a private estate), Teresa Flores, Megan Geckler, Ana Chaidez, Sarah Louise Wilson, Annabel Daou, OTISWOODS, Emmeric Konrad, Dwight Johnson, Alan Nakagawa and more to come.

There will also be private readings and book bundles and services (thank you, Nebula Society, for the generous donation of books) up for auction.

Readings from Lynne Thompson, Joseph Rios, bridgette bianca, Mike Sonksen, Luivette Resto, traci kato-kiriyama, Taz Ahmed, Natashia Deon, Rocío Carlos, Cory BESSKEPP Cofer, Melora Walters & Pam Ward.

Music by Rhys Langston. DJ will be Jeremy Sole.

Like we said, incredible.

Go check out our Eventbrite page for full details. I hope you’ll join us in person, but if you can’t be there physically, there will be a livestream of the event and you’ll be able to bid online.

Our goal is to raise $20,000 from the auction. Writ Large is a nonprofit and any contribution will be tax-deductible.



The second part of our fundraising campaign is the launch of our Patreon page.

It’s here.

We thought long and hard about whether we should do a GoFundMe, but chose Patreon instead because we want this part to be an ongoing relationship that grows into our future together.

Writ Large has always thrived with a continuing community that can share and experience together.

We set up a few tiers that we think you’ll find worthwhile no matter at what financial level you choose. From $5/month to $250/month (and three slots for the ridiculous $1000/month), we will show you our appreciation with some great swag and with our commitment to put every dollar into new and ongoing Writ Large projects and experiments.

One reason we chose not to use something like GoFundMe is that we didn’t want to make anybody, including ourselves, in a position of being rushed or stressed. We’d love for you to follow our journey no matter what, whether it’s vicariously through social media or in person at one of our events or by purchasing a new book from us. And when you feel able and comfortable with what we are doing, to consider joining our Patreon and become our patron.


This is an incredibly exciting time for us. We’ve been itching to get back into them LA streets with a new event and Writ Large, Bid Larger is one of the biggest productions we’ve put together.

But it’s also kind of scary because, well, raising money, asking for money, is definitely not one of the many things we are great at.

One thing for sure that will remain consistent is Writ Large has always existed in/because of our community, our tribe.

That part is never going to change.


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